
The GrowReport project was born in 2022 in an autonomous way, it does not use any public subsidies and has as its first objective the intent to make known, in a simple and direct way, the world of hemp and all its immense resources, through contents unique and testimonies of enthusiasts from all over the world.

GrowReport is committed to collecting the experiences of the most dynamic and enterprising growers in the world, and through their experiences and those of their most renowned colleagues (who have made of their passion a real profession), we will try to make this plant better known and its world, with the primary aim of raising awareness even among the most skeptical.

Our direct communication strategy, we are sure, will lead us to fill the pages of our magazine with unique and original material, unfiltered, from all over the world, and from reliable sources.

With our content we will try to raise the awareness of readers also on issues dear to us, such as air pollution and the use of plastic in the first place, without neglecting the most uncomfortable current social issues, such as racism and gender diversity.

We will give ample space to renewable resources and sustainable lifestyles, also trying to bring back into fashion a requirement that today’s society has literally lost due to money and power, let’s talk about the forgotten “common sense”.

“It is not the world that goes upside down, but it is people who do things the other way around, who are” ofended by nonsense and laugh out loud when they are deprived of their rights”.