Cannabis (or Hemp) is an angiosperm plant of the Cannabaceae family, divided into three species called Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica and Cannabis Ruderalis which according to scholars has been present on our planet for about 10,000 years (Neolithic period) due to findings dated precisely in that era, like fossilized seeds found in Romania and Japan dating back to 8000/10000 BC. or to the hemp fiber artifacts found in China and dating back to 12000 BC.
* According to us at Igrower Magazine, it could easily be a much older plant due to its ability to evolve and adapt to soils and climatic conditions, even extreme ones, such as Cannabis Ruderalis, of which it is certain that it is native to Russia. , discovered by the local botanist D.E. Janischevsky in 1924.
Anyway, who is sure today that the first cannabis plant born on earth was Indica or Sativa? Not to mention the latest studies carried out on genomes and DNA sequencing that lead scholars to state that cannabis and hemp both descend from basal cannabis? We hope to be sure soon …
However, it is certain that its uses can be manifold, to the point that it could change the life of all of us, on a global level, instead the commercial interests of the large reigning lobbies, which have invested in sources as diverse as oil, carry on. an ignoble and senseless prohibition against a plant that has never killed anyone, and that instead could radically change our daily life, replacing the plastic that is the greatest disaster that humanity is committing, or more simply the paper, so as to save entire forests that are used to “recycle” our air, not to mention fuels in general or drugs, because the discussion is very long, and takes us back to the beginning of prohibition.
Prohibition was born in America, by the hand of President Roosevelt who in 1937 signed the Marijuana Tax Act, an amendment that prevented the cultivation, use and sale of any type of cannabis, including that for medical purposes, and including all its derivatives. President Roosevelt easily achieved his goal also thanks to two of the most powerful families of that time, the American families Du Pont (chiminci / petrolieri) and Hearst (politicians / editors) who waged an absurd media war to counter the Cannabis, flooding the society of that time, with false and discriminatory information against our beloved plant, which was given a senseless derogatory, the famous word Marijuana was born at that time and in fact helped the slanderers in their intent. And to think that at that time Cannabis had risen to prominence due to the great Henry Ford, creator of the first car running on Hemp ethanol, with whom he also built almost the entire bodywork ….
We can say with extreme certainty that they had a fantastic resource in their hands, but greed made them blind …. we therefore hope that the current company will take off their bandages as soon as possible to avoid the worst …..
Because Cannabis can save us !! Jah Bless