Germination of a cannabis seed

For the germination of a cannabis seed it is essential to reproduce the normal atmospheric conditions that activate the process, therefore placing the seeds in the dark, because in nature the seeds germinate under the earth and not missing the three main activators. of the germination process, such as water (PH 5.5 / 5.8), air (70/85% humidity) and heat (22/27 degrees). Germination can last from 2 to 7 days, and varies according to weather conditions and the quality of the seeds (we therefore recommend that you rely on experts in the seed sector)

You can germinate seeds in various ways, also using professional tools, but below are the two most common and easy to perform techniques to activate the germination process.

The first: Germination in cotton

Get some cotton and a glass or a suitable container. Place the cotton in the bottom of the container, add water until the cotton absorbs it all. Drain any water in access.

Place the seeds on the wet cotton.

Take more cotton, wet it and drain the water in access, then use it to cover the seeds so that they stay in the dark and receive adequate humidity.

Now it’s time to be patient for the seeds to germinate, but you still need to make sure every day that the cotton is properly wet.

The magic will happen in 5 days maximum.

The second: Germination in pots.

Although germinating the seeds in cotton is the simplest and fastest solution, there are also those who love to germinate seeds following the regular course of nature, placing the seeds directly in the ground.

This time, in addition to some excellent seeds, you will need to equip yourself with a quality soil.

Get a vase, (or a plastic container and make sure it has a hole for the water to drain at the bottom), fill it 90% and press the earth.

Now it’s time to arrange the seeds (one for each container), covering them with a layer of earth of about 0.5 cm.

Do not press the earth you use to cover the seeds, leave it soft so the new plant will be able to emerge very quickly, without obstacles and unnecessary efforts. Then irrigate so that the earth is totally wet, without flooding the container, use common sense because only with the right attention will the seed give life to a new plant. Be patient for 3/7 days, always keep the earth moist and respect the optimal atmospheric conditions for germination. Nature will do the rest.

To speed up both processes, place the seeds in a glass with two / three centimeters of water and leave them in a warm, dark place for 24 hours, then start the germination process that is most suitable for you.

* REMEMBER, the germination of these seeds is legal only in some countries, get acquainted with the laws of your country before taking any action.

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